Friday, April 4, 2008

Last Chance..

Hey dudes and dudettes,

This is your last chance to ask me any nosey and completely inappropriate questions this weekend. I compiled all of the questions into a nice neat little questionnaire. So far, I've answered all of the questions you asked.

If there are any more people out there, or if the ones who already asked would like to ask another one, feel free to do that (I'm scratching the "only one question" part).

My next post will be posted on Sunday.

Have a nice weekend!


Hasan.B said...

I am so tempted;P

Hasan.B said...

Actually I think I am going to steal your idea! And see what people ask me. Lets see what happens.I guess I am not very creative! Hope you dont mind!

Big Pearls said...

Still no questions;)

Big Pearls said...

ok..changed me mind..question..have u ever been in love?:)

Anonymous said...

i thought the opposite of Dude was Dudi's.

Unknown said...

- Ever wanted to be a guy? if yes, then for what reason?

- Do you consider yourself normal? :P

Maybe I'll leave the inappropriate questions for someone else to ask, for now, this is it =p like hasan i might just do this too.. this is the most effective indirect tag i've seen so far..

Oranjina fadidra said...

what's your deepest darkest secret you always try to hide?

Shoush said...

Looking forward to the answers. ;)

FourMe said...

What is your biggest regret?
and don't give me a diplomatic answer :p

Marzouq said...

No questions for me :)

Wait I have one...

Have you ever flapped someone... really really hard?

Zed said...

are you actually making money from these ads?

Ms. D said...

i asked everyone one question.. but u.. i have 3 questions for u ;p

1. what movie star eshabhonich feha akthar shy?
2. do u know how to draw and paint?
3. do u eat chabda ow chalawe ow lsanat???

Ms. D said...

and yes one more question...

are you an accountant? or ur into hal ashya? i need help saving money ;p

Ms. D said...

and am proud to b #2 on ur bloggers familia (L)

ow tha7akteeeny ina tkhafeen u meet the bloogers elsora will crash :P... i dont think this way.. bs to some extent it did made things different ;p its better this way tara bs bloggers ;p

Hasan.B said...

Judgment day! today!

Shoush said...

It's sunday going on monday oo lal7een no answers.

Silver said...

whats ur favorite blog? *hint hint* ;p;p

Oranjina fadidra said...


This Lady said...

hahaha! omg u guys r so funny.. some of u are actually waiting!

TODAY TODAY.. I forgot to post it yesterday and now I'm at stupid work and its on my laptop.. long story.