Yesterday I read one of the funniest posts by Wendy Brandes. I'm not going to talk in great detail about it, because you should read it yourself here. By the way, Wendy, if for some unknown reason, your jewellery business doesn't do as well as you hope, you have a great career ahead of you as a comedy writer, stand up comedian.. or Coco's personal assistant.
However, I finally found a name for something that I do a lot of, which is reading blogs and not commenting on them, and the owner of the blog you're reading has no idea you exist. You're kind of like a stalker, only you don't have bad intentions (I hope), so therefore you are a "lurker".
If you like something that was said in a blog, comment on it! A simple "You're right" would suffice. You don't have to delve into a long discussion about it.
This brings me to another topic, which I was going to post about later, but what the hell. What is it with bloggers these days? I noticed that if I didn't comment on a specific blog for a while, that person would stop commenting on mine. Is it a case of "you comment on my blog and I'll comment on yours" kind of thing? I mean, I read blogs because they interest me, not because that blogger commented on my posts and therefore I should do the same to theirs!
So if you're a frequent reader of this blog, you're not forced to comment unless you really want to. I hope that you're reading this blog because you enjoy it, and not because I read your blog and commented on one of your posts. But since you're a frequent reader, this means that you LIKE WHAT I WRITE.
Pheeew... So glad to get that off my chest.
Oh and another thing, I'm kind of getting tired of thinking of good clinchers to add at the end of each post. You know the "This lady thinks blah blah blah"? So I'll only do it when I have a good line to write.
However, I finally found a name for something that I do a lot of, which is reading blogs and not commenting on them, and the owner of the blog you're reading has no idea you exist. You're kind of like a stalker, only you don't have bad intentions (I hope), so therefore you are a "lurker".
If you like something that was said in a blog, comment on it! A simple "You're right" would suffice. You don't have to delve into a long discussion about it.
This brings me to another topic, which I was going to post about later, but what the hell. What is it with bloggers these days? I noticed that if I didn't comment on a specific blog for a while, that person would stop commenting on mine. Is it a case of "you comment on my blog and I'll comment on yours" kind of thing? I mean, I read blogs because they interest me, not because that blogger commented on my posts and therefore I should do the same to theirs!
So if you're a frequent reader of this blog, you're not forced to comment unless you really want to. I hope that you're reading this blog because you enjoy it, and not because I read your blog and commented on one of your posts. But since you're a frequent reader, this means that you LIKE WHAT I WRITE.
Pheeew... So glad to get that off my chest.
Oh and another thing, I'm kind of getting tired of thinking of good clinchers to add at the end of each post. You know the "This lady thinks blah blah blah"? So I'll only do it when I have a good line to write.
:) I feel you are so relieved now that you don't have to think of a catchy phrase everytime...
PS I'm a big fan :) eventhough i don't always comment
i read lotsa blogs.. i comment on all.. but blogger LOVES me to pieces that it has to disable all my comments, 3ade i comment ow doesnt show 6be3ee.. fa bs te3abt elly i have to re-type kil comment 1346543 marra.. even in my blog ;p
trust me when i say: i read every single post u post.. sawa2 commented aw la :**
keep up this invigorating blog.. its so fresh and mind tickling :)
yes i am alurker:)
I do a lot of lurking and mostly because I'm to lazy to comment or don't have any opinion on the topic. but "You're right" :P I should comment and let them one someone has read their blog.
First i dont lurk ! may be i will watch a blog for few days ... if i like i will leave a comment in two days ... if not just watch it on Safat .
About courtesy commenting .. i dont do that either .. if i felt like ' i should say something ' i spit it out then and there ... i dont mind if they didnt comment on my blog ..
Think i am hitting blog maturity .... finally
Oh no! This lady will miss the this lady lines. Other than that..."you're right!"
I knew it would not last!
about the " you didnt comment about my blog so im not commenting on yours" QATHEETHEEEN!! ekteshaft a couple of bloggers that yetab3oon hal mabda2!
meeemo: Thank u.
ms. d: mo 3adil kalami wila laa? merci 3al kalam yali kteer mahdoom.. kelik zaw2.
anonymous: come out come out wherever u aaaaare...
libitina: don't be lazy. Show some love!
grey: NO no no noo maturity! Blogs should make u release ur immaturity :p
wendyb: they'll miss u tooo..
hasan.b: How come?
loya: ee ooff 7ad'hom! mal 6rag.
Hahaha! I know what you mean! Some people are around and they just read! Some people comment and some people don't but in my case I know some subjects appeal to some people, and other subjects might not!
7amdilla you got it out! lol
Hi. My name is Lala and i'm a lurker too!
It's just that sometimes I have nothing to say, and "you're right" doesn't always apply!!
However, I did once post a comment with just a smile.
WHY DONT U COMMENT ON MY BLOG!!!????!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!/???????!!!!!!
Mrm I always comment! I even comment about (and make fun of) emaciaty who I don't even know!
kilich 3adil ow sana3 ya galbe ;)
Well a simple status counter shall suffice the fact that your post has been read.
Some readers don’t comment (I’m guilty in that matter) unless they have something extra to add to the post. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the post wasn’t up to the taste but it was just that I didn’t have anything worthy to say.
Unless you’d rather to have two words comments which you shall be obliged to respond to while you can’t figure out what to say.
maybe they just forget or are busy
its their loss if they dont read ur blog!
bs tadreen sa3at on some blogs i read a post and its better if i dont comment
cz i go by " if you dont have something nice to say then dont say anything at all "
to keep the piece :P
yah yah yah .. sheno hatha !:)
"You're right!" ;)
You can live without my comments though I can't live without your blog ;) So This Lord will be reading but not necessarily commenting. I'm a Light-weight Lurking Lord XD
i liked the lurker thing :)
but am not one
it's just that sometimes i don't know what to say
nice blog :)
I second Euphoria :P
i dnt know if its abt u comment on mine, i comment on urs, i dnt know, for me its just that i always read the blogs i usually read but marat u have nothing to say hehe
maybe its not a u comment i comment back thing for ppl
maybe its just easier to find ppls blogs if they comment back :P
i'll blame all the worlds problems on lazyness :P
i only just updated me blogroll so i should not have an excuse thou :P
I comment when I have something to say, and nearly always I have sometimes to say. I do lurk sometimes, there are blogs that I just prefer to read than put my thoughts on. If I do not leave a comment, at least that person knows I read their blog through my infamous 300 page blogroll tehee.
I also heard them called "floaters" which I think is just CREEPY and yukky. That's when I started commenting, but sometimes you read the whole thing and there just isn't anything to say!
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