I know that it's an honor to be nominated. But it's a hell of an honor to WIN!!

My lovely blogger friend Grey, such a sweetheart, was awarded the Excellent Blog Award. He then passed this award on to a couple of other bloggers. I'm not going to list them because it's MY DAY. MINE MINE MINE!
You can check the list of Grey's winners here. I guess its customary to pass this on to others. Dammit. I'll do this later. In the meantime, it's time to PAAARTAAY!
Thanks for this, dude. You really lifted my spirits ;)
I do not have a blog yet, but I do not mind accepting awards! Etha ham the answer is No, then maybe we can negotiate "Benjamin Franklin" style, if you know what I mean:P! Btw the link is not working!
Lana there are 2 http:// One is more than enough I guess
its 4am and the partay is still alive * dancing with AJ *
no hasan i wont give u an award unless u start ur own blog :p And no $$$ either!
grey: Poor you.. Is he screaming (I mean singing)?
mabroooook :) i always thought u have a cool blog ...
congrats ;)
Hasan: You will definatley get the award for the best commentor who doesn't have a blog.. In fact, I think you are the one and only! looooool
and congrats, sorry I thought I wrote that before! You totally deserve it!
hahahah grats :P
looool! Too many awards going around! lol!
And congrats!!! :)
congrats ... :)
Thanks everyone ;)
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