Well, I guess this was coming. I’ve finally decided to shut down this blog. It was fun while it lasted, but I don’t see myself committed to it. And there’s no point, really, when you’re not blogging on a regular basis.
Thank you to those of you who emailed me or left comments asking about my absence. I was deliberating whether to blog again, but I’ve lost my mojo and it’s not coming back anytime soon.
I don’t want this blog to stay suspended in the Internet space, and I don’t want to quit without saying goodbye.
If, after all this time, there’s anyone left reading this.. well, I guess I should say thank you! I’m still going to be around of course, reading blogs (I’m addicted) and commenting (sometimes).
Big HUUGE hugs and kisses,
PS. I’m going to leave the blog up for a while and then I’ll delete it.
Image: [source]
It's been great while it lasted.
Wish you all the best.
7safa ..u were from the ppl who had something worth saying :) and i was one of ur silent readers who liked it.
Yala I hope you enjoy whatever you are moving on to! Like you said, stay around to say hello! :)
U had an interesting blog and fun to read!
you'll be missed : )
Hey there. I'm absolutely loving your blog, I just stumbled across it. I will definitely be following!
Feel free to check out mine, I think you'd especially love it.
Guess i'm 2 years late... not too late aren't I.
Hope you get your mojo back sometime.
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