Do you ever get a crisis of faith? You know, as in you have some doubts about your faith, or start questioning your beliefs. I don't have these things regularly, but it’s just a habit of mine. I’m a thinker. I think A LOT. About big things, little things, nasty things, yummy things.. whatever. So, naturally, I think about religion. A LOT.
It is my utmost belief that religion is equal parts logic, and equal parts faith. I’m Muslim, but I don’t think I am considered a by-the-book Muslim. I believe in God and His prophet, I pray, I give out Zakat, I fast, I don’t drink, I don’t cheat, I don’t steal, I don’t engage in forbidden activities.
I’m no saint, though. Basically, I do what I believe and understand is good for me, and for society in general. Since we were in school, we were taught that religion is ‘fitra’, which is essentially your gut feeling or intuition. We’ve known, since we were at a very young age, that we can do things that hurt people. And we’re taught that some things are wrong and some are right. And THAT, to me, is religion. It’s a guideline that you follow, and attempt to gain peace in your life, and share goodness with others. We will always make mistakes, but some things cancel the others out. Like karma. What goes around, comes around.
I don’t care what religion you follow (even if it’s your own), but for the most part, the majority try to follow their instincts and what they believe is right – even though we all have our differences.
I’m tired of people dictating to me what they think is right, without even explaining it. Remember our religion classes at school? It was always do this, do that, but no explanation as to WHY. As I grew up, I started reading and listening to some religious scholars, and I’m not afraid to say that a lot of them were phony and baloney!
I’m proud to say that I’ve grown more spiritual as I grew up, and my heart is filled with faith and love. I don’t cover my hair, I don’t cover my body from head-to-toe, and I don’t pray more than I have to.
I don’t equate covering my hair to stealing. I don’t equate wearing short skirts to drinking. The damage done to others by drinking or stealing outdoes any damage done by showing my hair and wearing a short skirt. Actually, it doesn’t even compare!
In a movie I saw called Brick Lane, a Muslim Indian man says in a town meeting regarding religion, “My Islam is in here (pointing to his heart).” I think this is so true, and should be followed by everyone, regardless of their religion. Basically, it means that your religion should be in your heart, and not just on the outside. What is the point of me covering my hair, if my heart is filled with envy and greed and evil?
Anyway, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I feel much better now. I don’t want anyone to feel bad because someone is making them guilty about not doing a small thing. If you look closely, you might be doing some great things in life – helping the poor, visiting relatives, being there for your parents, being a good parent, and lots and lots more.
Maybe if we stopped looking at the tiny things in life, and focused more on the bigger picture, we would help ourselves a lot more.
That’s just a piece of wisdom from this lady. Hope it helps :)